How to Tell the Difference between a Real Pickup Coach and a Fake One

Written by GG Sebastian

If you’re looking for a pickup coach these are the most obvious signs to see if they’re the real deal. There are many more, but I’m just going to share a few of them. I’ve been in the industry as a coach for a good amount of time and it pains me to see students fall for these signs. So I’m just gonna get straight to it and lay it all out for you.

  1. Consider the coaches height and looks. When a coach tells you looks and height don’t matter, they are full of shit. They are only telling you half a lie. There are 4 ways to get a girl (Looks, Wealth, Fame, and Game). Looks is only 1 aspect of being able to get a girl, if you’re ugly but your game is on point, plus you’re famous and rich then you can still get the girl. But if you’re ugly/short, broke, and a nobody with no game then the chances of you getting a girl are extremely low. Coach Jeff taught me pickup and he is short, Asian and broke but he was still able to get girls. The day he coached me, I knew he was the real deal. Because if he’s still able to get girls with his circumstances then his game has to on point, he has no other choice.
  2. Tell the coach to demonstrate for you. That is the most obvious sign to see if they’re as good as they say. When I demonstrate I tell the student at the venue to pick any girl for me, I’ll approach and show them what I’m capable of. I’ve seen coaches get blown out not once or twice, but for the entire coaching session. Even the best of the best will have an off-night, but if he’s getting blown out on a consistent basis then that’ll be your future in the dating world. You want to have to same results as the coach?
  3. How hard are they selling you? A coach that’s confident in his ability to produce results for the student will not try to sell you. The coach will merely present the options that are available for you and answer questions. I’ve seen insecure coaches constantly push student to pay because they’re scared the student will be unsatisfied with the coaching and not end up paying. If the coaches quality of service is up to standard then the student will stay. I will give you a story of my own. When I was first looking for coaches I called one of them and had questions I wanted them to address. I asked “What will you be teaching me and what does the curriculum look like?” He replied “In order for me to answer any of your questions and concerns you need to pay up front first”. I hung up on him immediately and moved on to a coach that addressed all my questions and concerns. (I was a student before I became a coach for clarification)
  4. Lastly, look at the coaches students to see what kind of successes they have or have had. A handful of my students are engaged, married, or have long term relationships. So I’m not concerned about my own coaching and curriculum. I’ve seen coaches have a lot of success in their personal lives, but have minimal success with their own students. This is a big sign showing that he is a great pickup artist but not a great pickup coach. I’ve seen this over and over again where students will say “Hey he has success in his own dating life and I want the same level of success he has so I’m going to listen to him”. That logic is not entirely wrong, but it’s also not entirely correct. Pickup is not a one size fits all skillset. What works for the coach might not always work for the student. That is why pickup is an artform, every coach has their own style of picking up girls and you just got to find the style that suits YOU.
  5. Other smaller factors to look at and consider. Look at the quality of girls the coach picks up and location as well. I’ve seen coaches brag about picking up girls in Europe, South America and Las Vegas. Well guess what? Those are the easiest places to pickup girls. I’ve done pick up in LA, OC, SF, Sacramento, Houston, Toronto, London, Mykonos, Sao Paulo and Bogota. The hardest and most difficult place I’ve ever picked up a girl was white girls at Newport Beach, CA. If the coach has successfully picked up a girl in a place just as difficult or even more difficult then I know he’s the real deal. I’ve seen a 6 ft tall, buff, Asian coach get Asian girls in Vegas and brag about it. But I’ve also seen a 5’4 Asian coach pickup hot white girls in Vegas. The short Asian coach impressed me more.