Gallant Getaways
I just finished NYC with Jeff with my boys. Jeff really cares about his students. He pushed us beyond our limits. The saying “The devil lies within the details” is such an understatement. The details are the ingredients you need to improve your life and game. Like gym, you need to workout almost everyday to hit your body goals. Pickup is no different, pickup is just a gateway to personal improvement. For guys that are on the fence taking the bootcamps, just do it. If you need money save up or get an extra job. You can read all the books you want or videos nothing beats in-field training. There’s a reason athletes hire coaches so they can make 1% improvement. In the field, Jeff will give you real time feedback that’s something you can’t get from reading books or videos. If you have questions about the class, you can message him. I will not tell you anything about the material but I will tell you the quality of the class. If you want to learn you have to pay. Honestly, I should have taken this class few years ago, don’t waste your time.
I followed Coach Jeff advise in-field and that’s the result I got (picture to the right). So whoever is reading this, he really wants to help you improve. There’s no magic pill, you have to do the work even though you are very very uncomfortable.

I was 24 and a virgin who never had a girlfriend. I was raised your typical Asian American who always hit the books and never socialized. To make things worse, growing up religious made me fear anything sexual. That all changed after I met Sebastian. I first met him in LA where he helped me break out of many shells of self limiting beliefs that led me to where I always wanted to be today: multiple girlfriends later and able to pick my partner of choice, leading me to my current engagement. As a coach, he pushed me when I needed pushing and provided important feedback on my problems. His did demos and walkthroughs that taught me how to approach and be a fun person as well as how to accept rejection with grace and maintain my psyche. My success with Sebastion would lead me to take up more sessions, learning more and achieving new results each time. If you have the opportunity to get coaching from Sebastian, I highly recommend you take it. He helped me turn my life around from 0 experience, fear, and frustration to being where I always wanted to be in life today. He can help you do it too.
John J. (BOSTON)
The bootcamp was a lot of fun. It marked the start of my dating journey. I learned and applied the basics of Jeff’s system at his bootcamp. Yes, the system was different from what I had tried naturally, but it’s light years ahead of any other dating material out there. Coach Jeff helped me realize that I had to dramatically change what I was doing to get good at dating. And I’m eternally grateful for that.

John J. (Latina Amor)
I did Latina Amor a couple of times with Jeff. The first time I did it, I initially felt hesitant and nervous because I was basically traveling overseas for the first time with a group of people I barely knew. But Jeff quickly dispelled all of those concerns. He’s a good friend and very patient teacher. I was able to get my first of many girlfriends on this trip, something I couldn’t do alone for the first 24 years of my life. It’s well worth the investment. I’ve gone from four dates and zero action my entire life to 40+ dates/year and numerous fulfilling relationships. All because of what I learned from the World Tours. And I think the fact that you’re traveling and partying and learning in multiple international cities makes it even more enticing!
I truly believe each trip was an adventure of a lifetime! I’ve experienced new cultures and scenarios I could only dream of. Jeff’s expertise and knowledge was able to keep us safe in areas where there’s not many tourists.
Not only was I able to achieve dating success on the World Tours, I was able implement what I learned when I returned to the USA and get consistent new dates weekly along with long-term relationships.

Jeff could very well be the best dating coach out there. Are you unsuccessful in the dating market because you think you are short, not muscular, have small eyes, not wealthy, etc.? Jeff got them all plus he is Asian which is a race rarely considered sexual or attractive in the western world, but none of these stop him from having probably the highest body count in the community.
I still remember vividly about a night during a trip with him a couple years ago. We were on a bar tour with a total of ~15 people and only 4 girls. There are better looking, richer, taller, buffer guys (we have, literally, models and millionaires) in the tour – everyone tried approach the girls, banter and tried maintaining conversation with the girls but they have been keeping distance with all the guys. I was still relatively new, getting bit frustrated and not sure what to do next – do I approach again while perceived as trying too hard? But what else to do to spark interest again? So I asked for demo and there came Jeff. He came in with not a lot of energy (i.e. compared to some guys who would approach with high energy and almost presenting himself as a clown/entertainer to get girls attentions), quietly talking to the girl in a layback position, within minutes he has already isolated her. And then the next thing I saw was that the girl bought 2 beers in gigantic mugs and he was in this drinking contest with the prettiest girl in the group. That’s within 15 mins of approaching her. By the end of the night, all other 3 girls asked for his number. He didn’t peacock by dressing up, having high energy, etc… in fact he was barely noticeable compared to other guys in the group, and yet he was the one got surrounded by all girls in the tour before anyone could even notice Jeff was even there.
I believe what contribute to his success in the dating world is that he must utilize whatever conversation technique, body language, facial expression at the maximum efficiency.
Other dating coaches or guys who are better looking, taller, buffer and wealthier simply don’t have to refine their skills as Jeff had to. In every single step of the process – approaching a girl, sparking interest, building rapport, isolating her, getting physical and etc., many other guys with the aforementioned qualities have more margin of error than Jeff could ever have. This guy may have said something offensive, but the girl would give a handsome guy another 5 mins because he is attractive; that guy might be touching a girl in a not very comfortable way, but she was looking forward to the fine dining place next so she could show off the photos on her Instagram and didn’t even notice the aggressive touch. However, Jeff wouldn’t have a second chance like those guys. Jeff had to train himself to know exactly what to say at exactly when to maximize the attraction he wants to build.
Without the high physical/material qualities other guys have, Jeff’s speech and his body languages is all he has got to achieve success in the dating market. He was barely noticeable during the night we went out because there is absolutely nothing special about him at first sight. This is exactly what other dating coaches lack – Jeff was trained in the harshest environment possible. He can catch your smallest possible mistake where no other coaches can because that mistake is not a deal breaker for them and they don’t even know it was wrong, but Jeff knows.
During the same tour I also met my now wife, and it was when I utilized a lot of Jeff’s knowledge on a daily basis. It started as a long-distance relationship, and during the time when we were in different cities, the phone and my voice was all I had to keep the interest level high and to keep myself from dropping into friendzone. Photos and videos can only do so much with professional bloggers everywhere on the internet, and it’s impossible to keep a high energy level through the couple-hour long calls per day. What I learned from Jeff and his suggestions along the way was one of the most crucial factors to my success.
If the motto of your life is using minimum effort to achieve maximum result, or you are already attractive, but you hope to work on your skills? Jeff is your guy.
Rob K. (Latina Amor)
This is a review of Gallant Gentleman’s Latina Amor. The tour is run by a team of two coaches, Sebastian and Jeff. I was with them for two weeks and we traveled to a couple of countries. If you want to know which countries we traveled to, contact them.
Personally, I’ve never had a girlfriend, I don’t have much dating experience, and I had never cold approached a woman before. I’d always been too scared to go up to a woman and show interest. I also get nervous when trying to carry out conversations with women I find attractive. This manifests itself in a lot of other aspects of my life as well – I’m too shy to approach others (men and women), I’m not assertive at work, I don’t take the initiative, and I’m a doormat.. I signed up for the coaching to try to improve on these aspects.
Specifically, I set out on this tour with two concrete goals: get over my fear of approaching women, and become comfortable talking with women. With my goal of getting over my fear of approaching women, I feel like doing so would help with my assertiveness and timidity – If I can finally get over cold approach, why would I have any problem speaking up at work or even talking to other dudes? That shit is nowhere near as scary as walking up to a beautiful woman and asking her out. With the second goal, I’ve always had an issue with getting nervous when talking to women I think are attractive. By learning cold approach and simply talking to more women, I thought I could get used to talking to women so that sense of nervousness would eventually go away.
We visited two countries and spent a week in each country. We practiced day game by approaching women at malls or parks, and night game at clubs. The first night we met up, we went to a club. The first woman I tried to interact with at the club, I was a fucking anxious mess. I was too nervous to even introduce myself to her. Jeff had to force the introduction by introducing himself to her, then introducing me. I didn’t know what to say, I couldn’t make interesting conversation, I wasn’t reading her body language, and I wasn’t reading the room. I wasn’t dancing when the group was dancing and vice versa. I basically completely bombed. This was a wake up call and a good learning experience in retrospect. Despite bombing, nothing really bad happened. The girl wasn’t interested in me, but She didn’t make fun of me. I wasn’t humiliated. Nothing physically bad happened to me. I started to understand that it’s ok for me to put myself out there, even if I bomb. It’s not that big of a deal. The worst thing that can happen by asking a girl out is a rejection or maybe some minor embarrassment. Intellectually, I’ve always known this, but the difference between knowing something intellectually and understanding it in your bones is like the difference between heaven and earth. It’s easy to think cold approaching a woman is easy, but actually attempting it, my body is giving me a million signals to immediately ABORT ABORT ABORT. Failing to the extent I did on the first night with no negative consequences made it feel like some kind of burden was lifted from my shoulders. Also, somehow, by the end of this night, I ended up even hitting it off with another girl at the club and we kissed at the end of the night. I even ended up going on a dinner date with her a couple of days later. I’ll post the field report of the date in a separate post.
Actual contents of the coaching tour: Every day, we had a lecture for about an hour. We’d go over the coaches’ principles for pickup. after lecture, we’d follow up with either a daytime or nighttime infield session where the students would try to practice and apply the stuff we learned. The coaches would watch us and give us some guidance if necessary. Afterwards, we’d debrief and they’d go over what we did well and our areas of improvement.
The first week, we did a lot of day game approaches, and for many of them, I kept making up excuses not to approach. It was still hard to overcome that fear of approaching a woman and asking them on a date. But with Jeff and Sebastian there pushing me to approach, I did approach some women, and I improved over time. I even managed to get a same day date with a cute mid-20’s woman I met at a mall 3 days in the trip. We just went up to the food court and talked for two hours. I also got her number.
By the end of the trip, I was firing on all cylinders. Sebastian could point out a girl and I would immediately beeline for her to talk to her. Did I still have anxiety issues? Of course, but now I’m able to overcome it. In the last session, I felt damn near zen-like. Regardless of the outcome, good (number) or bad (rejection), I could accept the results with a level of equanimity I didn’t think possible. No nervousness. No anxiety from the rejection. I didn’t obsess over every little way I fucked up the interaction. I simply accepted whatever came and moved on. When I think about the contrast to how I was prior, afraid to even interact with women in fear of making myself look stupid, I feel almost unrecognizable to myself. I’m reforming myself in this new identity I never even thought possible. I can go up to a woman and ask them out. Many women find me attractive. My ego is slowly but surely blowing the fuck up. Feels pretty damn good.
Hard numbers:
Going into the expedition, I was up front with the coaches that my goal was to get over my approach anxiety. Therefore they tailored their coaching with that in mind, otherwise we would have likely focused more on getting dates and closing. With that in mind, here are the numbers: over the course of two weeks I approached 88 women. I went on 2 instant dates with girls I had just met. I got 9 phone numbers and 2 Instagram handles from cold approaching. I went on 1 date with a girl that I actually followed up on. Date went really well, but didn’t sleep with her – I got her to my room and literally spent an hour just talking to her because I was too nervous to pull the trigger, despite her giving me multiple signals of interest. (She kept pulling her blouse down lower and shit. Lol.) We ended up making out but I took so long to finally initiate that it was too late for her and she had to take an uber back. I likely could have had more dates if I followed up with the phone numbers I got. Definitely something I need to work on for the future.
Would I recommend it? Absolutely. In fact, I feel like the value I received was way higher compared to what I paid. I paid a little more to help host the coaches at a shared airbnb (optional but recommended), so we basically lived together for two weeks straight and just ate, breathed, and slept pickup. We’d start with a lecture, go to an infield session and they’d coach and assist. After that we would grab food together and debrief. Since we were staying at the same airbnb, whatever questions I had about my approach or any other issues, they’d be open and willing to discuss at pretty much any time. They were always fair and scrupulous about any money issues that came up during the trip. There were some optional upsells that I also paid for that were helpful as well. The tinder one had good tips, but I didn’t act on them as I spent 0 time on online game – all my efforts were on in person approaches. The fashion upsell we spent like 2 days straight shopping for good casual / formal outfits, plus fixing up my hairstyle. I didn’t sleep with any women on the tour, but ultimately, that’s beside the point. If I had met a gorgeous girl on the first night and she became my girlfriend, would that have been a better result? No, because even though meeting and sleeping with attractive women would be nice, it’s orthogonal to my goals I had set out at the beginning of my trip.
I wanted to work on my timidity and shyness with women as well as getting over my anxiety with approaching strangers, especially women. Even if I somehow magically ended up with a hot girlfriend on the first night of the trip, those underlying personality problems would still exist in me. Now, I’m much more confident in my ability to approach women, even if I still have some underlying anxiety. I can put those issues aside to go up to a woman and talk to her. The nervousness is still an issue, but it’s improved as I’ve continued to talk to more women. That’s not to say the coaches won’t be able to help you with that. My priority was getting over my anxiety with women, so that’s what they helped me focus on. If I wanted to become more successful with women, Jeff and Sebastian could have helped me with setting up dates with the women who were interested and improving on my dating skills as well, since I never followed up with any of the girls that I got numbers from.
For other Asian men out there who, like me, are single, and want to date but don’t know where to start, I’d 100% recommend Gallant Gentleman’s coaching services – the two work with you at your level and push you to break out of your comfort zone in order to get better at interacting with women. What seals it for me is they’re Asian dudes too, so they know what kind of issues we face and can address them. I can’t imagine getting pickup lessons from a white guy – that motherfucker doesn’t know my struggle, lol. Before this I was a straight shut in who only left my apartment to pick up groceries for more than two years straight. I’ve never even gone on an online date prior to this. To go from that to going on multiple dates, including two with women I literally just met, I feel like a goddamn beast now. I always felt kind of ashamed that I couldn’t talk to women, but also thought the PUA community felt kinda grimy. My opinion on pickup has totally changed now. Ultimately pickup is learning to be able to approach women and attract them – what you do with it is up to you – whether you want to bang a bunch of chicks or look for the right woman to marry. I lean more towards being a simp, but even if I want to lock down the one, I still need to be able to meet her and ask her out, and help her see my strong points. Learning pickup has made me way more confident that I can do this, when I start looking for my future wife. You don’t have to just jack off in your room like I did for 30 years, lol. Go out there and start meeting women. Shit will change your life.

Review of Sebastian: There is only one word to summarize what Sebastian is, “COOL.” Think about he is the Will Smith’s character Hitch from the movie Hitch. He is the living embodiment of coolness that girls want to know him and guys want to be like him. Students may have a thousand questions in their heads, but Sebastian would only teach them what they need to know and improve at that point, and that’s all. Yet they are all gold. I believed in him and followed thru his guidelines during the Europe tour. My result was shockingly good and unbelievable.
Review of Jeff: “Highly observant and mindful” is what I would describe Jeff as a person, his pickup style and his techniques. As a grand master of Pick Up, Jeff has mastered all the proven techniques out there, and given his students a simplified and effective blueprint to help them get the result they crave for. During my time with him in the Europe tour, he observed and studied me during field practice and regular time, and gave me important critiques. As his student, I feel fortunate to access to his consulting service that there is no problem about approaching/dating that he doesn’t have an answer for. He is the teacher I trust.
Josh S. (Latina Amor)